Canine Periodontal Disease affects approximately 80% of dogs by the age of 3, with the highest incidence in smaller breeds and older dogs.

There are over 83M domestic dogs in the US alone, with 47% of households owning one or more. Periodontal disease leads to serious complications (halitosis, pain, gum damage, tooth loss, bone infection, jaw fracture, fistula), and impacts overall canine health (liver, kidney, cardiac and metabolic function).

Diagnosis and further progression of the disease demands expensive dental cleanings ($200-$500), periodontal procedures (>$500) and tooth extractions (>$1,000), all performed under general anesthesia, which can also be detrimental to the animal’s health.  Moreover, advanced stages of canine periodontal disease can negatively affect health, quality of life and mortality.

Are you a veterinary professional?  Please take a moment to complete our Canine Periodontal Disease Market Research Survey!  Your feedback is valuable and greatly appreciated.

  • Glickman, L. T., N. W. Glickman, et al. (2009). "Evaluation of the risk of endocarditis and other cardiovascular events on the basis of the severity of periodontal disease in dogs." Javma-Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 234(4): 486-494.
  • Niemiec, B. A. (2008). "Periodontal disease." Top Companion Anim Med 23(2): 72-80.